Kien Giang Foodstuff Canning Joint Stock Company
Our company located at Tac Cau Fishery Port, VietNam. Its unique advantage ensure the non-stop flow of finest and freshest raw material Kien Giang sea area and ThaiLand gulft w that is one of the largest fishing grounds in South East Asia, catching output is about 200 – 250.000 tons each year of seafood (30 – 35% of Tunas ,10 - 15% of Sardines).
For Over 20 years, Kifocan also has trawled Vietnam’s seas and followed its wild to bring the world finest, freshest and tastiest Tuna as well as Sardine. Our customers can be sure that Kifocan always warrant to give you all the best of the sea at the affordable prices.
Read moreSardines in tomato sauce CÁ SARDINE SỐT CÀ CHUA
The natural taste of succulent little fish with a lot of flavourHương vị tự nhiên của những con cá Sardines tươi ngon …
Read moreTuna in brineCÁ NGỪ NGÂM NƯỚC MUỐI
Our best and most succulent Tuna meat with a little brine or springwaterNhững phần ngon nhất và tốt nhất của cá ngừ sẽ hòa quyện cùng với một ít hỗn hợp nước…
Our Vietnamese fishermen have gone to great lenghts on the seasNhững khúc cá hay vụn tươi ngon của cá ngừ được ngâm trong dầu,…
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